Before earning his law degree in 1998, Mr. Kohler graduated from Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, MN, with a BA in Communications in 1991. Prior to and while going to school, he worked at United Parcel Service. LEARN MORE ABOUT DON KOHLER |
Workers' Compensations
- FMLA Employee Guide
- Great article "The Demolition of Workers' Comp"
- On-the-job injuries are unfortunate and can happen to the most conscientious and diligent worker. We all strive to do our best and be loyal and assets to our employers. Unfortunately, for some companies, the employer-employee relationship quickly sours once an employee is injured. The employee is no longer viewed as an asset, but as a liability. For those companies, the bottom line is always more important than treating an injured employee fairly. This article talks about the influence and power companies have to draft laws that permit them to cast aside injured employees and leave them dependent on the state social services rather than the corporation or their insurer. Read the full article, click here to learn more about on the job injuries.
- NPR has had an ongoing story the past few months about how work comp benefits have been slashed. The latest segment, privatization of WC, aired this morning. You should listen to it. Texas and Oklahoma are doing it. The requirements don't even meet state law. All have a 24 hour notice requirement. If you don't report it through a toll free number within 24 hours, its denied. I am telling my clients to listen to the story on the web so if it arises here, people will be aware. Audio Story, click here to learn more about this. Read the full article, click here to read the full article.
Wills and Trusts